The Boss & The Hoss
Talking Stocks and Making LIVE Trades…

This week is playing out just like I thought.
Volatile and choppy. Bears and bulls in a back-and-forth brawl for control. There’s an awful lot of movement that’s going nowhere.
In the context of market seasonality, it’s nothing new.
Historically, August isn’t known for great market returns. Historically, it’s one of the worst months for SPY, QQQ, and DIA.

As I said in my email to Alpha Hunter subscribers this morning, we’re at a “death line” on QQQ.
My gut feeling says it may crack and flush…
We may have already seen the start of that today, but only time will tell.
I have a laundry list of stocks I would love to buy right now, but I don’t want to walk into a market that is rolling over. Instead, I am considering some top ideas to bet against right now.
?Numbers I Need:
No positions here currently, but I’m eyeing the homebuilder’s index (XHB) and a few construction companies for a potential short sometime soon.
The housing market has been practically frozen.
With interest rates so high, homeowners just aren’t selling. The difficulty is nobody wants to get out from under their refinanced sub-3% mortgage.
New homes are typically <10% of sales but have hovered around 1/3 of them for the last several months.

So builders have been hard at work, and XHB has risen over 25% since mid-April, to the surprise of most people on Wall Street.
Nothing can go up forever, and momentum seems to be faltering.
Homebuilders and construction stocks look VERY top-heavy, and rising interest rates just might catch up to them.
Let’s just say I’m quite cautious with my long positions right now.
But with the Alpha Hunter option-selling strategy, we only need to find a level to bet against in order to make money. I don’t need to be a hero and predict where a stock is going to go, only levels it needs to stay above or below in order to win.
?Most Exciting Action:
Alpha Hunter is about selling options so that we can trade any market condition – up, down, or flat.
The volatility we’re seeing only helps us. When VIX spikes, options get more expensive. We collect greater premiums for our spreads.
Highly-volatile sideways markets are a seller’s best friend.
While directional trades (via calls and puts) are getting hammered by all the chop, we’re profiting from time decay.
EVERY trader needs to learn option selling, which is exactly what Alpha Hunter is all about.
Great news – you can join right now for 50% off with coupon code “alpha50“!
(I am taking this offer down TOMORROW, by the way. So don’t wait too long!)
Want to know how effective this system is? Just look at the results in my trading journal.
Only a month in, and I’m already up over $16,000 from the EXACT trades I’ve been sending to subscribers.
My goal with this service is to make $10,000 a month in profits, so I am tracking a little ahead of my goal right now.
Now, trading is difficult and risky. I can’t guarantee you’ll make money, but I will teach you my strategy and give you real-time alerts whenever I enter or exit a position.
?Past Alert Update:
Here’s a real example of how it works.
Back on July 24th, I saw that Rivian Automotive (RIVN) had been in a steady uptrend and made a bit of a dip back from the +1 Keltner channel.
This dip was the perfect time to get into a bullish trade, so I went for it and sent out the following alert to Alpha Hunter subscribers.

Sure enough, RIVN moved even higher, and in just two days I was able to close the spread for 57% profit.

*trading is hard, results not guaranteed
Credit spreads are defined risk trades. You know your potential max gain and loss when you put them on.
If this is new to you, join the crowd. This is a strategy not many people know how to do, but I am now training thousands on this strategy each week.
I don’t see the sort of gains that come with calls and puts, but my chance of winning is MUCH HIGHER.
I’m looking for the consistency of base hits, not home runs.
Closing these out for less than 100% increases my chances of success.
Had I held RIVN until expiration, I could have made the full profit, but that’s very risky.
If you’ve made 57% of the max profit from a trade with 70% of the time left until expiration. Which makes more sense?
Take your money off the table? Or hope the market mayhem doesn’t screw up the trade?
I’ll take the first choice nearly every single time.
To follow EXACTLY what I’m looking at and see which trades I’m making, join Alpha Hunter today and take advantage of our limited time 50% discount.
All members get exclusive access to:
The Alpha Chamber – Live analysis, trading, and chat
Detailed Trading Plans – Direct to your inbox every single day
Alpha Pulse E-Book – Learn HOW to sell options the right way
Every trade I take via instant app alerts.
This ends TOMORROW… so don’t miss your chance to lock in the best deal possible on my foundational trading strategy.

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