Am I just crazy, or can you hear the drumroll in the background too?
This week is going to be exciting and full of fireworks. The fuses are burning, and the show’s about to start, so let me tell you about my plan.
Market Situation: There are lots of major companies reporting earnings this week, but the three I’m most focused on are MSFT, GOOGL, and META.
MSFT and GOOGL both report after market close today, and META is coming up on Wednesday night. In the past few years, all three have seen a post-earnings gain more often than not.
But we’re in a different situation now.
It could be a big tech debacle if these companies blow away expectations and have some outstanding forward guidance.
For instance, as I write this, as I look at the options market, traders are expecting a 9.2% move in META on earnings (I’ll teach you how to figure this out on your own in the live session today.)
Folks, that’s a whopping $27 expected move – up or down.
Oh yeah, then there’s the FOMC rate-hike decision coming up.
The market pretty much expects a small rate hike tomorrow, but it’s also pricing in cuts later this year (I think it will be early next year before cuts actually happen.)
Any hawkishness from Powell at the press conference Wednesday could be a MAJOR problem for stocks, which he has an uncanny ability to do.
? My plan: I typically don’t trade stocks through earnings. There’s far too much uncertainty, and I’ve been burned too many times trying to guess the outcome.
I’m a trader, not a gambler.
I’ll be sitting mostly in cash this week to see how everything shakes out. And I definitely won’t be holding any tech positions. It’s just too risky.
That’s one of the few advantages I have over institutional traders.
We can just sit on the sidelines and wait.
I’ll be following earnings results and building my watchlist. The biggest winners and losers will be my potential longs and shorts in the coming months.
?New Opportunities: Big money is rotating out of tech and into “boring” sectors like energy, utilities, and transports.
Technology and AI are so oversold that institutions have been moving into transportation and energy.
I’ll be looking in those sectors for new opportunities.
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